Sunday, July 19, 2009

Some recent photos

Whats new

Well our lives have changed some in the past few months.
We are now 5 1/2 months pregnant and found out it will be another little boy. We have decided to name him Gavin Brett Porter, he is due on Nov. 5, 2009, its only 3 days from Bransons due date so they will be a year apart. We have decided that it will be hard and there will be some trial but we both are very grateful that we were able to get pregnant again and so quickly this time. We can't wait for the precious little Gavin to come into our lives. I think Branson will be a great big brother.

On June 1, 2009 and decided that the best thing for us would be to move out of our duplex and move in with Jades parents so we could pay off some bills and save a little money before the new baby came. We are still staying in Franklin with them for the time being. We would like to have a place of our own to take the baby home to but it all depends on how the financial situation works out. So far it has not been to bad staying here with them. Its a little crowded but its livable I for the time. We appreciate them letting us come and stay with them for a little while.

Jade is still working in Logan so he just travels every day to go to work and then I have changed jobs and now I work at an assisted living facility in Preston, I love my job there, it does not pay the best but I have decided that your job can't always be about the pay cause if it is then your going to miserable and every day will just be a challenge so even though I am not getting paid as well, Im alot happier with a job that I love and its not as stressful either.

Well thats about whats new in our lives. Branson is growing up so fast, we can't believe how much he has changed in the past two weeks. Everyday is something new for him. We love him so much and are so grateful to finally have him in our lives. We tried for a long time to get him here and we wouldn't change it for the world.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

pregnant again

Well I was suppose to go in for surgery to get my galbladder out on tuesday and when I got to the doc office they said they needed to do a urine sample like they do on all girls to make sure they are not pregnant, so I go into the bathroom and do my business and then they take me into the prep room so I can get in my gown and get the iv in and all that good stuff and a lady came in to talk to us and asked us how far along we are, we told her we were not prenant but that we had a baby 5 months ago, she said oh well the pee test came out slightly positive so then they took a blood sample to do another pregnancy test and while we were waiting for those results they came in and put in my iv and stuff and told me how the surgery was going to go and what to expect then it seems like we sat there for a life time for someone to come in and tell us the results so in comes the doctor that is suppose to do the surgery and he said he has some news, he said that we wont be having the surgery today cause we are pregnant and it could hurt the baby if we did it. So he told us to go see my OB and then when I am in the second trimester then we need to do the surgery then. So here we are, all we know it that we are pregnant and we dont have any clue how far along we are or anything cause I still have not had a period from when I had Branson cause I have been breast feeding him. We go to the doctor on april 24 to have our first appointment.

Now some thoughts:
I feel so bad cause I am not as excited for this baby as I was for Branson. Dont get me wrong, I am happy its just that I am happy mixed with scared, stressed, worried and everything else too. I mean we are still paying for our first baby and now we are having another one. I almost feel like a bad parent by having this baby cause Branson needs me and Jade so much right now and I don't him to have to grow up cause of another baby, when this baby come he will be just barely a year old and he is still going to be a baby and need so much of our attention. I suppose everything will work out and it will all be ok, I just worry so much and feel so bad.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A little of everything

Wow its been a long time since I have updated my blog. Hmmm.... lets see what has been going on.
well the rest of my pregnancy went just wonderfully, Branson was born on october 26,2008, it was a total of 10 1/2 hour for the labor and delivery( alot faster than they thought he would, the doctor didn't even make it there in time. The nurses had to deliver him. The doc showed up in time for pictures though), we had a little scare during the the delivery cause he was laying on his cord and so everytime I had a contraction his heart rate would drop really low and then he turned and was face down instead of up so they were worried about that but I had a blessing and within 45 min, he was turned and out and in my arms. It was such a wonderful experience and I can't wait to do it again. He has been such a good baby, he doesnt cry much and he has always slept through most of the night. We couldnt be happier.

I am back to work now and its so hard to leave him everyday but its getting a little better. We have worked it out so we don't have to take Branson to a babysitter or a day care. Jade works in the mornings from 10-6 and I go to work from 3-9 so Jade sister Kandice is so nice and comes over and watches him for a few hours everyday.

Since I had been out of work for a few months, Christmas was not about gifts for us. We spent our holidays with our families and had so much fun. We spent Thanksgiving with Jades family and Christmas with mine. It seems to work out pretty good this way.

So far the new year has been okay, in January Jade turned 24 and right now he is working on quitting smoking. Branson and I are so proud of him. On march 4 he is going in for surgery for his hurnia, we are so glad he is finally getting that taken care of. Not much has been new for me, I am finally back to the weight I was before I got pregnant and able to wear the prepregnancy clothes again, I am working part time for the moment but in the process of trying to find a full time job. I had applied for a job in Evanston, wyoming at the state hospital and was SO happy and felt so good about it but I didn't get the job. Its to bad cause I would have made really good money and we found this amazing condo that we were thinking about moving into. Oh well though, I guess I didn't get it for a reason so here we are still in Logan, it has been so cold and wet and snowey latley. Its snowing right now and the wind is blowing and I have not been outside but I am sure its freezing. We have not been able to take our christmas lights down yet cause they are frozen to our house and fence.

Branson is growing so fast, I cant believe it. I cant wait til this summer, its going to be so much fun with him.

Valentines day was fun, Jade had to work so I just spent the day with my family while they were here visting and then that night when Jade got home we exchanged gifts, Jade got me a heart shaped necklace with diamonds on the side then a ruby stone in the middle, a box of chocolates, a teddy bear, flowers and a card and I got Jade a teddy bear and a ring, its black with red stars on it. He really like stars so I thought he would like it. I felt really bad that I didn't get him as much as me but he said it was ok and that he loved what he got.

well I had better get some stuff done before I have to go to work today. HAPPY TUESDAY!