well the rest of my pregnancy went just wonderfully, Branson was born on october 26,2008, it was a total of 10 1/2 hour for the labor and delivery( alot faster than they thought he would, the doctor didn't even make it there in time. The nurses had to deliver him. The doc showed up in time for pictures though), we had a little scare during the the delivery cause he was laying on his cord and so everytime I had a contraction his heart rate would drop really low and then he turned and was face down instead of up so they were worried about that but I had a blessing and within 45 min, he was turned and out and in my arms. It was such a wonderful experience and I can't wait to do it again. He has been such a good baby, he doesnt cry much and he has always slept through most of the night. We couldnt be happier.

Since I had been out of work for a few months, Christmas was not about gifts for us. We spent our holidays with our families and had so much fun. We spent Thanksgiving with Jades family and Christmas with mine. It seems to work out pretty good this way.

Branson is growing so fast, I cant believe it. I cant wait til this summer, its going to be so much fun with him.

Valentines day was fun, Jade had to work so I just spent the day with my family while they were here visting and then that night when Jade got home we exchanged gifts, Jade got me a heart shaped necklace with diamonds on the side then a ruby stone in the middle, a box of chocolates, a teddy bear, flowers and a card and I got Jade a teddy bear and a ring, its black with red stars on it. He really like stars so I thought he would like it. I felt really bad that I didn't get him as much as me but he said it was ok and that he loved what he got.

well I had better get some stuff done before I have to go to work today. HAPPY TUESDAY!