Thursday, April 2, 2009

pregnant again

Well I was suppose to go in for surgery to get my galbladder out on tuesday and when I got to the doc office they said they needed to do a urine sample like they do on all girls to make sure they are not pregnant, so I go into the bathroom and do my business and then they take me into the prep room so I can get in my gown and get the iv in and all that good stuff and a lady came in to talk to us and asked us how far along we are, we told her we were not prenant but that we had a baby 5 months ago, she said oh well the pee test came out slightly positive so then they took a blood sample to do another pregnancy test and while we were waiting for those results they came in and put in my iv and stuff and told me how the surgery was going to go and what to expect then it seems like we sat there for a life time for someone to come in and tell us the results so in comes the doctor that is suppose to do the surgery and he said he has some news, he said that we wont be having the surgery today cause we are pregnant and it could hurt the baby if we did it. So he told us to go see my OB and then when I am in the second trimester then we need to do the surgery then. So here we are, all we know it that we are pregnant and we dont have any clue how far along we are or anything cause I still have not had a period from when I had Branson cause I have been breast feeding him. We go to the doctor on april 24 to have our first appointment.

Now some thoughts:
I feel so bad cause I am not as excited for this baby as I was for Branson. Dont get me wrong, I am happy its just that I am happy mixed with scared, stressed, worried and everything else too. I mean we are still paying for our first baby and now we are having another one. I almost feel like a bad parent by having this baby cause Branson needs me and Jade so much right now and I don't him to have to grow up cause of another baby, when this baby come he will be just barely a year old and he is still going to be a baby and need so much of our attention. I suppose everything will work out and it will all be ok, I just worry so much and feel so bad.


Amy J said...

Oh my! Everything will work out, look at it this way, you tried so long for Branson, and now our Heavenly Father has blessed you with another one! Everything happens for a reason, and it will work out. I don't blame you for being scared, but you'll have the whole pregnancy to prepare! Good luck.

PS, this better not be a belated April Fools day joke!

Ritzville RS said...

Congrats, honey! You are giving your son a wonderful gift! A sibling and best friend to grow up with, and confide in, and to have each other's back! There is nothing better you can give your kids than siblings :) I am so happy for you! We can have our next babies together! How exciting!

the larsons said...

Hi! I don't know if you remember me.. but I am Jade's cousin Jessica. Kandice found my blog and then I found yours through hers! I just wanted to say hi! Your little one is sooo cute!