Well I am thinking now that the morning sickness is over..... I hope. It seems like I only feel sick when I have an empty stomach or I eat something that doesn't agree with me, like peperoni. I now can only eat cheese pizza :(
I am 9 weeks along now and I am starting to notice my body is changing. I have already had to start wearing maternity clothes. I guess its all the fun in being pregnant.
Jade has started to calm down alot, at first he was so worried about a miscarriage or something going wrong but now that he has seen the baby and so far everything is ok then he has calmed down and I don't think he worries so much anymore. Every day he pokes me in the belly to make sure its still hard and I have noticed that when I am changing he watches more now, I think he is looking for a growing belly or moving baby or something :D I think its sweet how worried and stuff he has been about it all. It just shows how much he cares.
well our next doctors appointment is on april 14, we are really hopping to be able to hear the heart beat this time. well I will keep everyone updated on whats new and going on up this direction.
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago