Saturday, May 14, 2011

I do believe this is how I started out my last post but I'm going to do it again.

Its obviously been a long time since I posted last, so much has taken place in our lives. I will try my best to remember it all but try to keep it short...
Well at the time of the last post, we were living with Glen and Treesa and we were expecting our second baby. Around September of 2009 we bought a mobile home just down the street from Jades parents, just in time for baby Gavin's arrival, He came into our lives on october 29, just 1 year and 3 days after Branson.
I of course stayed home from work for a bit after he was born, then in March of this year I quite my job so I could be home with the boys and I am loving every minute of it, I have been able to learn so many new things from being at home, I have been learning more and more how to cook and bake and I have done a lot of research on how to make things from scratch such as laundry soap, baby shampoo, cleaners, ect. I have not attempted any of them yet but I am excited too. Jade got a promotion from Smiths marketplace and is now a manager at Smiths Food and Drug, I am so proud of him, he makes it to work every day and is so good at supporting his family, and he is very good at his job. I am so thankful to have a husband that is like this.
The boys are growing up so fast, Branson is 2 1/2 and is so dang smart, he has a very large vocabulary and is now learning his ABC's and counting to 10. He learns something new everyday, its amazing to watch him. He loves to play outside, since its been warm the past few days, he keeps sneaking out the back door to play in the sandbox, its a good thing our back yard is fenced in. He runs every where he goes, I don't think he walks anywhere. He is becoming a nicer big brother everyday, I am so happy that he is finally starting to play with Gavin. It just melts my heart to see them laughing together.
Gavin is now 19 months old, he is a lot different than Branson was at this age, Gavin doesn't talk much, he says "Hi" and when he eats he says "mmm.... good" and "di" for dinosaur, every once in a while he will say a word but I dont think he means to cause he wont repeat it after that. At this age, Branson had almost all his teeth, Gavin has only 6 but I did notice the other day that one more bottom one and 2 back ones are starting to pop up but it don't matter, it doesn't stop him from eating anything. He loves food, he would eat all day if we allowed him too. He to is starting to run everywhere he goes, he tries so hard to keep up with his big brother. I see him copying stuff all the time that he has watched Branson do.
Our babies make our world go round, I don't know what we would do if we didn't have them both.
Well, that's about all the major things that have happened in our lives. I will try to stay up on the blog this time :) but for now this mama is going to sleep so we can start again bright and early in the morning.

Good night everyone!

1 comment:

Treesa Porter said...

You are all so blessed with such a beautiful family and admire both of you for being so determined to make it work so you can be a great stay-at-home mommy to your adorable boys. We love you all very much! Your blog title looks great! I've neglected mine for so long too. Glad to see you're posting again!